Why do we have personas?
- We developed professional pathways for EWL members to provide targeted professional development and meet our members where they are in their professional and personal journeys. These three personas and professional pathways are designed to support an EWL member with a journey map of programming and engagement opportunities.
Is this a required part of being an Emerging Women Leader?
- Nope! You’re welcome to choose a persona that resonates with you at this moment, and you may evolve into a different one over time. There’s no obligation to identify with something that doesn’t feel right for you. Our main goal is to better understand the needs of our members. We want to learn more about you, where you are in your career, and which programs can best support you on your unique journey.
Where can I learn more about these personas?
- If you have any questions about this offering or how our personas align with different programs, don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].